Sunday, October 14, 2007
Good sense or common sense?
Good sense is all about the spontaneous "philosophize" common man possesses, named as "philosophy of life", that supposes an innate capability of organization andthe independence of whom analyzes the experience of routine life. It is the choice of some criteria to take decisions about problems and doubts. However this criteria isnt very rigorous. Even without access to philosophy and science, some men are capable of developing a critical sense and understanding , by means of the which, they can assume a posture of a certain independence regarding the avalanche of information and ideological pressures that surrounds them at all time. The good sense allows an evaluation, with a certain rank of criticism, of the ongoing facts and regular way of thinking.
Common sense (spontaneous knowledge or regular knowledge) is the first understanding of the world that results from the rich inheritance of a social group and from the ongoing present day expericiences. Through common sense we make judgements, we establish life projects and we aqquire the selftrust and conviccion to act. This is based on sources of knowledge, good sense, tradition, intuition and the authority of a specific knowledge.
When dealing with corporate decisions both perspectives are indispensable depending on the situation.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I think so I exist
The love is born of hardly anything and dies of barely everything.
Money is like sex, is more missed when we do not have it.
Money has minimum importance, since we have a lot.
When a man discovers that his father was right, generally he has a son that thinks that he is wrong.
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, wakes
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Business plans
There is a simple business plan but it could be used as an example for more complex cases.
The Wild Pet Shop
Core idea
The core idea is to sell various well animated wildcats at a reasonable price. The
wildcats will be shown and sold in one special pet shop – The Wild Pet Shop.
There will be sold four different species of wild cats (lioness, leopard, panther,
tiger). Moreover, freebie animals like teddies and cows will be sold for 1L$ to
attract customers to visit the shop.
Service offering
The wild cats will be animated to walk beside the avatar and to interact with the
avatar by clicking on them, e.g. they will roar. Moreover, it will be possible to ride and even navigate them. Demo wild cats will be exposed in the shop, so that the
potential customers know how the animals look like.
The shop aims to offer the best animated realistic wild pets in SL.
Target market
The target group are SL users who want to have a pet. There are different reasons
for having a pet. E.g.:
1) User who have an animal in real life and would like to have one in SL as well
and user who aren`t able to take care for an animal in RL but want to enjoy the
feeling of taking care in SL (women between 25-35)
2) User who want to have something to act up with and think “cool” pets are pretty
fashionable (men between 20-30),
3) Users who want to have animals for a zoo or a race, e.g. horse race, camel race
or even a turtle race (men between 20-40).
Potential market volume
Most of the registered users are from US, France and Germany - together around
50% of the users. In these countries about 25% of the inhabitants own a pet. As a
simplification, it is assumed that 25% of all SL users are interested in pets.
There are 500,000 active users in SL. It is assumed that only 30% of the active
users (150,000) in fact have a reasonable amount of money. It is expected that out
of these 25% (37,500) in fact buy an animal, since this is the number of users
interested in pets.
Currently in SL are 160,846,535 L$. Giving this money belongs to 30% of the
users, each user owns about 1000 L$. The potential target group will be willing to
spend 30% of its funds for animals and so the potential market volume is about
11,250,000 L$.
• Good offer: The strength of The Wild Pet Shop are the good-looking
wildcats and their fancy animations.
• Low maintenance: Once started there is not much effort needed to be
invested into the shop, since the shop does not need any attendance because
the animals can show their animations on their own.
• Low follow-up investments: Within 100 days there will be 40 animals
including freebies which is a large enough assortment to ensure customer
satisfaction and so no new animals are needed.
Facing a limited budget, the initial investments for four animals are relatively
high. Therefore, the other expenses, e.g. marketing and rent, have to be reduced.
• The shop can easily be reproduced to other locations, so a franchise or
chain system is possible.
• There are various innovative forms of exhibition and possibilities for the
users to “try out” the animals, which will create word of mouth and thereby
demand, e.g. setting up an own race course and announce an animal race
there or opening a zoo where the animals are represented and can also be
Since there are low entry barriers, a good competitor with a higher investment
volume could enter the market before The Wild Pet Shop is introduced to the
Targeted customer segment
According to the target market, there are three different customer groups which
will be addressed in the marketing campaigns:
1) Women who have/want to have an animal in RL and who love cuddle toys
this target group has the largest group, but only medium wealthy
2) Stylish people who want to have very special animals to act up
3) Rich people who always want to win, be/have the best to talk big and are
willing to spend a lot of money
Since a high amount of money is needed for the development during the first
period, the expenses for marketing may not be too high. Therefore a selection of
customer segment 1) will be done, since this segment is the main segment.
Especially, the freebies will attract this customers. The very specialist segments 2)
and 3) will be targeted later on since the very special marketing campaign will be
more expensive.
Market entry strategy
At the beginning, there will be only one shop in a high frequented mall. This will
make sure that a lot of people see the shop. However, not all users of the target
group will find the shop and so there will be appealing advertisements at various
spots within SL. For the future, it is planed to have a franchise system and shops at
various spots in SL.
The marketing concept consists of two main levers: Advertisement in Second Life
magazines and "word of mouth". Two support the second lever, we will have
avatars visiting high traffic areas and happenings with pets from our store.
The pricing of the animals depends on the size and the complexity of the
animation. Regarding to the current prices in SL, e.g. a “normal” not animated cat
is about 300 L$, and the lower income of user in segment 1) e.g. a well animated
wildcat will only be 499L$ in The Wild Pet Shop. Aim of The Wild Pet Shop is to
attract price sensitive customers (freebies) as well as richer people who like good
quality to a fair price (wildcats). This will attract more customers and so the low
prices are compensated through higher sales.
The team consists of Nina, Tobias and Sarah. All of them love animals and have a
lot of experience in taking care of them.
Since they have a special connection to animals the team members know what
animals and animations are useful and nice to have. Therefore, they are in fact part
of the target group and represent the needs of the SL inhabitants. Moreover, they
can give hints to the customers on the use and care of the animals.
Moreover, Nina knows a lot about Second Life, since her boyfriend loves to play
computer games and shows her how to do it. Therefore, she knows the most
visited places and in case she has a problem, she might ask her boyfriend.
Tobias works at a zoo in RL and especially takes care of the wildcats. Moreover,
he often talks to visitors and so he knows what other people like about wildcats.
Sarah used to study animal health and so she knows a lot about the anatomy of
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Here it is the plan of fraud used by some people that use internet for do what they want, bungling the general environment. I pushed the thing as far as I could, always with false facts, doing myself always as full but when began the money ask... Read and be aware.
First Mail
Dear Winner,
We wish to congratulate and inform you on the selection of your email coupon number which was selected among the 6 lucky consolation prize winners Your email ID identified with coupon No. PBL2348974321 and was selected by our E-games Random Selection System (ERSS) with entries from the 50,000 different email addresses enrolled for the have
been awarded the sum of (£2,600,000)You are to contact the claims agent with the following details for the
release of your winnings.
Claims Requirements:
1.Name in full:
2.Home Address:
5.Phone Number:
6.Present Country:
Overseas Claims Unit
United Kingdom Lottery Fiduciary
Contact Person: Mr. Macdanny Cole
Contact E-mail:
Mrs. Monical Walter
(Group Coordinator)
Second Mail
UK National Lottery,
P O Box 1010 Liverpool,
Ref : L/200-26937
Winner's name:
Raffle Draw Winning Email:
Congratulations Lucky Winner,
Your approved winning Certificate number is UK/9876125
Your winning Transfer Identification code is .ELPC/MWT/0143
The process for claiming your winnings has been made very simple so that by the end of one week at most, you are assured of having received your cash prize of the sum of £2,600 000 Pounds Sterling and all the legal documents backing your winnings. In the light of the above mentioned, you are to contact the the Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning to you with the contact informations below:
Courier Name: Fastway Courier LTD.
Contact Person: Mr. Richard Graham
Fax :+447075055265
Note that you are to provide the Lottery Winners Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning with the required details below to officially identify you:
1) Winner's Full Names:
2) Present Full Address:
3) Telephone Number:
4) Raffle Draw Winning Email:
5) Amount Won:
6) Winning Reference Number:
7) Winning Batch Number:
8) Winning Transfer Identification code: ELPC/MWT/0143
9) Winning Certificate Number: UK/9876125
Note that there exists a periodic condition on all claims process; therefore you have limited time to claim your winnings. Failure to claim your winnings within the stipulated time frame will lead to the forfeiture of your winnings after which your winnings remitted back to the United Kingdom National Lottery Headquarters and will then be added to next winning draws. Also kindly be aware that the United Kingdom National Lottery winning prizes are regulated by the Financial Services Authority and as a result, you are advice to follow the Lottery Claims Terms and Conditions to ensure the remittance of your prize to you within the stipulated time of the claiming of winnings.
Lastly, I will require a concise update on your proceedings with the Agency that will be handling the transfer of your winning. If you need any assistance whatsoever from this office, please do not hesitate to inform me.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Macdanny Cole
Accredited Fiduciary Agent
Confidentiality Notice:
Please note that this email and any files that may be attached to it is/are confidential and is/are intended for the sole use of the individual(s) or entity (is) to which it/they is/are addressed. Any use,distribution,copying or disclosure by any other person or entity is strictly prohibited under applicable law(s).Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to official business of NATIONAL LOTTERY and insurance shall be understood to be neither given nor endorsed by NATIONAL LOTTERY finance and insurance when addressed to concern finance and insurance clients; and any information contained in this email is subject to the terms and conditions of the governing client's contract(s).
United Kingdom National Lottery
Third Mail
Unit 11, Ashford Industrial Estate,
Shield Road, Ashford, Middx,
TW15 1AU, London.
United Kingdom.
Phone No:+447031940236
Ref : L/200-26937
DATE:11 July 2007.
Thanks for contacting Fastway Courier Services, certificate of your winning and other certificates including a cheque has been sent to us by the claims officer of overseas winner, UK LOTTERY PROMOTIONS. Thanks for the details and this is to inform you that after proper verification of your particulars, we found out that you are the rightful/legitimate owner of the winning package in our possession and we have therefore decided to deliver the package to you. You are to please confirm your alternative mailing address to enable us dispatch your parcel immediately.
Note that the parcel will not be delivered to P.O.Box address or street corners but to your residence/office.
Description of parcel to be delivered:
An original certificates of weight :-------------0.31kg
Bonded cheque of weight :-------------0.17kg
Total weight of parcel :-------------0.48kg
Colour of Parcel :-------------Brown
With regards to this, you are required to select the most convenient of the four options below for a smooth delivery of your package to you:
Mailing /freight cost .......................£120.00
Handling Fee..................................£173.00
Fuel Surcharge ..............................£ 105.00
Mailing: £120.00
Insurance: £250.00
Vat: £120.55
TOTAL: £490.55
Mailing: £150.00
Insurance: £200.00
Vat: £100.55
TOTAL: £450.55
Mailing: £70.00
Insurance: £230.00
Vat: £130.00
TOTAL: £430.00
Respond to this email by making a selection from the four options above. Also send to us a scanned copy of either your driver's license or any form of legal identification.
Finally, be reminded that the deadline for the claiming of package is exactly one week after the receipt of this email . After this period, your package will be returned back to the office of UK LOTTERY PROMOTIONS .You are to get back to us, so that we can advice you on how to make the required payments.
Thanks for your anticipated coorporation.
Domestic roadfreight service
International Courier
Seafreight and European roadfreight
24 Hours Services
Last Mail
I received your mail.I will like you to know that the charges have to be paid by you because the lottery board did not make provision for the delivery.
I hope you do understand and i await to hear from you about your own option of delivery.
Dispatch Officer
Monday, June 25, 2007
Faster Computers
For a computer carry out the operation 117+10 it uses the following form: 1010111+0101=1111111
And for him this digits increase seems no problem, therefore to his capacity of "management" of data looks barely interminable. And in the current uses there are barely no differences in their performance.
However for more complex operations, that involve very big numbers or imply a big quantity of detailed results, this little complication is feel in the speed and efficiency of the computers.
For become them more quick and efficient, in these circumstances, will be enough to change them calculation base, from binary system to a decimal system.
Instead of the current passes-not passes, it becomes a passes one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight and nine times, or does not pass.
To do 117+10 the computers would use now to following form:
That would reflect for the user the value 127.
Without changing his current form of "think" we would put the computers "thinking" as us but as a mirror.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Invest in science
What is the value of the investment in science investigation? How much earned Einstein with the Theory of the Relativity? What increased value increased has George Boole? In a prespectiva of immediate results the investment in science investigation looks a true capitalist sacrilege. But the truth is that the big changes, the big advancements, all big increased values has for backwards years and years of science investigation, slow and in most of the time failed. It is necessary put in office pure scientific ivestigation, for beyond immediate practical application investigation, to re-"create" binary Systems, and Theories of the relativity. And to make possible new millions.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
As the big oil companies that in a simple supplying of 20€ with a price of 1.009€/liter supply us with 19.820liters when should supply us with 19.8216.. liters. The difference is small in this scale but for the big companies represent millions of euros daily.
Basically everybody is contributing with less than 1 cent/liter.
It is less than a cent but because we are a lot contributing generates a lot money. That money that goes for the pockets of the big oil companies would be better employ if put in office in forms less pollutants for our move.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I think so I exist
The money does not give happiness but the absence of him gives sorrow
The faith moves mountains, but do not forget to push while you pray
If you find education costly, imagine ignorance
Nobody will win the war of sexes. There is a lot confraternization with the enemy.
The laziness walks so slowly that the poverty easily achieves it
The objective of the war is not die for his country, but do the enemy die for its country.
I am not youth enough to know everything.
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted. - payed to surf
This is new, international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach potential customers by displaying their ad on "Surf Ads" page.
it works like this: You view websites in 30 second sessions via the "Surf Ads" page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you'll either get a green dollar sign or a red 'X'. The dollar sign means you've earned $0.01 for the visit and the 'X' means you have not earned money for the visit. You'll get red X's when you have more than one website from the "Surf Ads" page open. When this happens, you get no credit. also promised you a guaranteed unique visits and they charge for $3.40 per 100 unique member visits.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Software to take decisions
It is thrown today, by this site, a software to help to take a decision.
These software is totally open because the decision can be of technical or personal character.
This software is based in criteria of decision-making used in the Project integrated management and reflects the mental trial that everybody carry out when we take a decision.
Obviously this software need significant improvements to become more and more complete.
In this moment this software is "rolled" in a manual way and need supports to become more efficient.
For more information:
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Wide horizons
It looks as an inherent characteristic of Humanity look to the ground. With a quantity of interesting things to his around, the Man has a fantastic capacity of pass the time looking at that gray asphalt that covers almost breaks of our walks. I advise you to leave to the street, walk of head raised and repair in the quantity of persons that, mainly when are alone, look to the ground. Another interesting thing is the incapacity that many persons has in maintain visual contact. Whenever you will be in the street and counted how much persons that do not look to the ground. Stare them and see the quickness they transfer the look to the ground.
It is important to: have the capacity of look in front, see more beyond the others, reach the future without neglect what is passed in the present, and have the capacity of face the objectives and do not give up and look to your limitations as something that make us unique;this kind of characteristic make a simple project and without big profit margins in a winning and innovative project and its authors can reach his millions.
Genial, practical and simple details
A big invention doesn't need to be bulky. The last big small geniallity that I found in my daily life was the cover of the bottles of Compal. From outside is with apparent simplicity that the packagings are enclosed, but the truth is that simple cover has a system that is going to break a "paper" that protect the nectar that are found inside the packagings. While openning, and with a simple mechanical system, we do with that a simple "cutter" cuts the delicate "paper" and permit the access to the beverage. From outside we don't have notion of that paper.
This simple idea prevents that we get soiled during drinking them said nectares, we have an easy opening and in security. The monetary effects of this simple "creation" should have been well interesting for this mark of beverage. Still there are simple things to create.
This simple idea prevents that we get soiled during drinking them said nectares, we have an easy opening and in security. The monetary effects of this simple "creation" should have been well interesting for this mark of beverage. Still there are simple things to create.
Tips to enjoy sucess in Wall Street
An investor always should invest in those titles that show forces in detriment of the actions that give signs of weakness. Many times the amateur investors invest in titles that are in fall in the hope that the tendency reverse. The problem is that many of the cases, the secret is going to buy costly and sell still more costly.
When smaller corrections happen in a market with the well definite tendency, have not fear in reinforce to its position.
One of the big secrets of the well suceed investors is the patience. If the time of entrance in a given action fail, do not despair because other opportunities are going to arise.
The investors less experienced normally close positions when tehy are in a winnner position, even if the profit is small. Never forgot that the "real" profit is obtained in 2 to 3 business later. It should be patient and expect that each business becomes in a big business.
Whenever you governed bulky losses in successive business, goal vacation. The natural tendency of an amateur investor in a situation of these is to continue buying trying torecuperate the losses.
I think so I exist
Everything what a dream needs to be carried out is that someone believes that it can be carried out.
The markets arrive to the top with big volatility but form the minimums with big calm.
Everybody think of changing the world, but nobody thinks of changing itself.
If you do not want to repeat the past, study it.
I believe a lot in the luck. And I have noticed that, specially when I work hard, more luck I have.
The unique point that everybody agreed is that neither everybody agreed.
Although I'm not able to choose what happens to me, in compensation I'm able to choose what do after that happens to me.
Religion - the most profitable business of history
What is the most profitable business of the history of the humanity? Which will be his product, what they "sell"? Which are the approaches they use? Which are their weapons? What is the secret?
For me the secret of the "business" more well happened of the humanity is that is structured in most sensible and personnels interest of each one of us, resolves some of ours bigger problems, our doubts. The weapons are apparently simple and commonly used by barely all business. Good strategy of communication, with good, simple beginnings "salespersons", and with a well definite for a long time mission, since beginning and that is altered when is absolutely indispensable.
Its approaches are favored by a long time in the market. But basically this "company" built inside the public opinion a very favorable image, of social support to the neediest. This "company" has a series of products that generates money. Some of those products are simply ideas, or ideals of life. The truth is that the interest for them looks it doesn't die with the death of the "buyers". By the way the interest looks to increase in cases of fall of all other circumstances of the life. There is still a series of products that arise around this "company" that become automatically gold. Mainly these products are going to deny the principles of this "company". More than direct profits this "company" generates in his around are more profits, with products that help or discriminate it.
The most profitable business and well happened of the history is religion. Specially "Jesus". It was doubtless a visionary that with strategies more or less coherent, made that his "business" born, grow, expand and that becomes one of the most indispensable elements of persons life. This his amazing capacity looks only explicable by blood relations with a superior being.
I am ready to take one of the most difficult decisions of mine short life. I am going to be madman or I am going to be normal. In these last times I have opted to take a mixed of both. This alone situation has brought me problems. I lose control of the state of mind provoked in my system of analysis of the situations a disturbance. I have tendency to do not hit the times in that I can do of madman and in those that I should do of normal. The crazy option is doubtless very tempting. Therefore takes responsibility in any kind of action that we make. The normal option has the advantage of being better accepted in the society. What I am going to do? I have some difficulty in decide therefore I feel myself too fragile to take so important decision for my future. This current state of things injure the assembly of the my social relations and make worst my problems. I do not know what to do, neither that option take. Already I walked to much distance in this track for have boldness to face the road for backwards and for afterwards and still be capable to run more quickly than the others, when will have taken the road that more want, and that no one finds my change.
Will I be capable of that? Of backtrack and run more than the others. I don't know if I am capable. Capable I am certainly, therefore I believe that I have a fate of success. I am going to believe in that. And I also do not perceive why I have this difficulty of take the decision. If I know that my future is success, why I have fear of give this step apparently so insignificant? I am going to have success, I am going to have success, where I do not know but I will...
The need of take a decision in situation of doubt is a situation that occurs frequently in the life in general and in business world even more. The decision in these cases is indispensable for permit advancement of the companies. I consider that is preferably a bad decision taken then a not decision. Obviously that a decision should be taken after the doubt has been destroyed up to its smaller possible dimension. Even though that dimension can still be considered big. As there is who believes that Elvis Presley is still alive, is necessary we will believe in the decisions that take.
Mission of a company serves to inspire his workers in the image that is going to be transmitted outside. We are going to see some success companies examples, beginning for the biggest growth in less time.
Google: Google: Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
It looks ambitious and undone able considering the dimensions of the market aim, but the truth is that its function is correctly that and without doubts they have reached it. Magnificent objectives can bring magnificent benefits, and by the sloppy image of his creators, it looks it doesn't take a lot of work. Genius? certainty. Luck? certainty.
Microsoft: At Microsoft, we work to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. This is our mission. Everything we do reflects this mission and the values that make it possible.
Enough philosophical. Mainly focus in the outside of the company. With the time this company looks to lose some gas but the truth is that his gas continues all there, invoice as never, and the loss of leadership of some rankings could have been beneficial profits for itself. The image that society has of market leaders is relatively negative, despite it is just envy!!!
Coca-cola: Everything we do is inspired by our enduring mission:
To Refresh the World... in body, mind, and spirit.
To Inspire Moments of Optimism... through our brands and our actions.
To Create Value and Make a Difference... everywhere we engage.
This company has already more years in the market, already had ups and downs, and is currently one of the leaders of its segment market.
It is barely the image of a nation and of some of the most interesting moments of the common history! There is people that say that they created the Santa Claus!!
Such as for James Bond, the mission is to fulfill.
Flexibility is one of the indispensable characteristics to obtain positive results in any company.
Territorial flexibility, there aren't limits to expand your business even if they are "new or old".
Processes flexibility, not always the shortest road is the more economic.
But mainly mental flexibility, the approach that "we offer" to each problem should be absolutely open because forms to resolve do not always be the most foreseeable, normal.
As already talked, internet is more and more used by companies to show its products. This need created a new business area known as ad sense. Companies that lend this service of ad sense present as main characteristics the credibility and linearity of the business as well as real time payment. Right now we present some of these companies:
Kontera Content Link
Text Link ads
TTZ Average
FeedBurner Ad Network
Between us... inform yourself and begin winning!!!
SMS Marketing
I thinks so I exists
God is the element that has less importance in the success of a person but is the one that has more influence.
Mine worst enemy can die but it doesn't need to go for the hell.
Mine bigger pride is mine better headache.
My interest is in the future, therefore is there that I am going to pass the rest of my life.
Three persons can maintain a secret, if two of them will be dead persons.
In time of war, the truth is so precious that always should be accompanied by a convoy of lies.
When a man aims a finger for another, should remember that, upon doing him, the other four fingers stayed aimed for itself.
Franchising is a concept that is not completely new for anyone that goes regularly to an any mall.
The action of signing a contract to franchise any mark is doubtless an action that shows initiative but that has a very limited value increased. Specially if the franchised trade doesn't deserve it.
So I consider that franchising is an action of initiative but certently a tiny action! It reduces to a great extent the risky character that initiative in general has. However it is a demonstration of good sense because with franchising comes a series of (as Mourinho said) automatisms, mainly related with fidelity of the clients that in the beginning of every business, is very difficult to reach.
With these information decide, and that the luck be with you!!!
It is clear that, in a close view, in franchising the lake will always look substantially less full compared to what you make rain!!
Internet and publicity with given hands
The publicity have become important somewhat for any company! With the objective of reach the maximum number of possible costumers, the companies use internet to show the products. They use blogs of how to make money to publicity their companies. Even those blogs that are only read by you!! (1 to 2 persons maximum) They do publicity and stay happy, I let them do it , I receive some changes (there are just changes) and I'm happy.
Manage the lows to earn more in the highs
There is many things in the world that because its grandiosity that affect us so much. But that grandiosity is the good thing that those things have. They are so big and affect us so much that we, in an auto-defense system, we are able to do that those so big things doesn't affect us this much.
But the worst thing of this life is in small things, in those we think that don't affect us and by that we don't have any problem in absorbs them, because they are so small we think they doesn't effect us. But that is pure mistake.
Those small comments that we hear every day and that in most of the time has all the reason in being done.
In big things, that affect our life, we have tendency to do automatically the catharsis to make impossible them to get inside us and make us crazy.
In small dimension situations we have the tendency to accumulate and when we go and see all the small things already turned us crazy and we don't have a response to them. People capable to control these elements have an increase in his possibilities of success.
Ideas are 100%, doing it is 1000%
For someone that are going to create news markets through out new solutions presentation and when those ideas apparently do not appear I suggest you follow our friend Einstein: 95% transpiration, 5% inspiration. And he have done well with this principle!
The truth is that is everything easier when you start with 5%. However after this I give even more importance to make concrete the idea.
Urban jungle
The situation of the alternative energies is allmost similar to recycling.
In a limited resources planet and with the capacity of absorption of the emissions, resultant of the energies that currently are utilized, very much limited, looks logical that in the future the market of the energies is going to be based in renewable and not pollutants energies. This is going to be, certainty, a market that is going to give many dividends to who invest in it."Global need" carachter give to this business the stamp of "success barely guaranteed".
In a limited resources planet and with the capacity of absorption of the emissions, resultant of the energies that currently are utilized, very much limited, looks logical that in the future the market of the energies is going to be based in renewable and not pollutants energies. This is going to be, certainty, a market that is going to give many dividends to who invest in it."Global need" carachter give to this business the stamp of "success barely guaranteed".
As objective of all humanity, recycling is indispensable considering limited resources. Global caracther of recicling "resolves" the main difficulty of any business.
The absorption of new products from the society keeps growing and the planet stays with its limitations, so it's necessary to use them many more times before consider it unusefull.
The concept behind recycling presume that there is not lost of service quality. People capable to arrange forms to transform used things in new ones, even though the initial function and the final function have as only link the aim of the recycling, can have success barely guaranteed.
The absorption of new products from the society keeps growing and the planet stays with its limitations, so it's necessary to use them many more times before consider it unusefull.
The concept behind recycling presume that there is not lost of service quality. People capable to arrange forms to transform used things in new ones, even though the initial function and the final function have as only link the aim of the recycling, can have success barely guaranteed.
About internet it is allmost everything said! If you are reading this blog you know than what i'm talking about. Currently there isn't any information "type of transport" quicker, efficient and global.
Each person back round determines crucialy his "tendency" for success. I am not thinking, exclusively, about academic formation. But mainly the formation "persons that you know", "books that you read", etc.
Our specific formation should become us capable to resolve determined problems in an unique way, in a determined time, in a determined price. If these three elements are "interesting" for n persons, our success is barely guaranteed. But formation should have as objective, something more abrangent. And in my opinion somewhat more important. The formation should serve to motivate us. Motivation is another important element of success.
Our specific formation should become us capable to resolve determined problems in an unique way, in a determined time, in a determined price. If these three elements are "interesting" for n persons, our success is barely guaranteed. But formation should have as objective, something more abrangent. And in my opinion somewhat more important. The formation should serve to motivate us. Motivation is another important element of success.
I think so I exist
Prosperity does friends. Adversity quizs them.
Conscience is psyche part that dissolves in alcohol.
Success has many parents, but failure is orphan.
Who avenges after the victory is unworthy of winning.
Politics is so risky as war. But in war people dies only once.
Persons good in excuses are rarely good in any other thing.
Bright persons speak about ideas. Mediocre persons speak about things. Small persons speak about other persons.
Words that make euros
The first words of this blog are: The first words of this blog are.
The second words are:
This order has a chronologic sense, base should be Formation, Internet should be the way, Recycling and Alternative Energies the final objective.
The second words are:
This order has a chronologic sense, base should be Formation, Internet should be the way, Recycling and Alternative Energies the final objective.
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